A Few Good Men - You can't handle the truth!

Years ago Michael Jackson sang the song "till a lie becomes the truth" you know there are people who will look you straight in your face and lie to you...the way you can know if someone is lying to you is watch the eyes, watch the body language...those are very telling signs, remember every body has something they have lied about at some time or another the person that says they never lie, have never lied is telling a lie with that said can you handle the truth. 

When you say tell me the truth what do you want to hear the black lie the white truth or the gray middle truth which has a little of the black and the white, you do not want to know somethings when you ask your future husband/wife/other be prepared do not throw it  out the 1st argument, if you do you just started a wedge that will spread like wildfire forever...

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